Tuesday 22 October 2013

Hello! Today's post is about voting and the election day. The first I have to say it's that I don't like politicians, well, most of them. I think they just worry about their own interests, they don't care for people and if they do it's for keep an image. Even thought, I think we should vote because is the way we have to make things different now. People who has good ideas can win if people like us (young population) will vote. 

About electoral campaigns, also I don't like it. All days I see posters of  the candidates and just yesterday I saw the campaign on T.V. It's not new, but it's awful that their spots try to convince people with emotions. They should talk about their plans, what think about current problems and stuff like this. 

To run for a public position a person should be honest, smart, good will to help people, tenacious, personality, courage and be sure about their aspirations. Well. I haven't considered becoming a politician never in my life, but it looks like a good idea... No, it's a joke. I think I wouldn't be a good politician because I usually don't have the strength to say what I feel or think. I prefer to keep silence. I know it's not good, but I do it anyway. 

To finish I will talk about the electoral campaigns in my district. Mmm... it's a little difficult because I just know a few things. Nowadays I've been more worried about the university than this. Obviously, before to vote, I'm going to investigate, but now I don't have to much information. I receive pamphlets or see posters, but all of them don't have information, except the candidate's name (obviusly), what party he belongs and something good about him. 


  1. Hello Constanza! How is everything? I hope that you are fine. Mmm... you think that a politician should have the same qualities that I apreciate. Yes, it is awful when people manipulate other's emotions. Maybe the both of us should start a career as politicians and clean this world. Hahaha, it's a joke. "Posters dont' have information about the candidates but good things about them" hahaha, sad but true. Well, I have not more to say this time. Take care! Bye bye!

  2. Hello Constanza, I see our opinion it´s similar, It´s a shame the current political, only make for someones and not for everyone

  3. Oh! I have an idea! I can become the nation's leader (president in this case) and you could be my first lady! The world would be a better place! I have experience, I was the class president when I was in highschool. Think about it and give me your answer this week. I will be waiting. See you later!

  4. Wait! I found a contradiction! A good leader must not have family! Forget everything about being my first lady. I don't want to be president.

  5. I'm agree with you about politicians. I think they are a fraud. And the comments made by Felipe are funny!!! XD
