Tuesday 8 October 2013

Hello people! Today's post is about my favorite singer or band. I had to talk about this the previous semester and I choose to "The Killers", but in this chance I'm going to talk about another band to do something different.
A band that I like too much is "Radiohead". I've been listening to them since 2012, I know it's a short to time, but it's enough to love their music, specially their lyrics. Also, I have to say that I've listened to Radiohead before, but I didn't like them and I don't remember why. Someday I listened to them again and I just liked it.
What do I know about them? Well, not too much. I'm not the kind of person who search infomation about artists, I only prefer to enjoy their music. When I look for some information it's to understand the lyrics and that's the only way that I know about the life of them. About Radiohead I know they're five members, all english. One of them it's Thom Yorke, the singer, who is vegan. Also, they compose their music (this is an important detail to me). They have many records too and the type of music they play it's alternative rock and sometime use electronic sounds.
I like a lot this band, like I said before because of the lyrics (this doesn't mean I don't like the music). Their topics refers to contemporary society problems, like lonely, alienation, technology, between others. Also there are love song, but are fewer. 
To choose just one song it's difficult because there are many that have a meaning to me. Anyway, I think the most I like it's "Let down" from their third record "O.K. Computer". Although it's a sad song I like  it because represents very well how I feel sometimes (it's a little embarrasing to tell this). 


  1. Ajajaja this was a trick, I think you talk about "The killers" until I listen the video and read. Readiohead its a really great band, I like too :)

  2. I only know the most famous songs (like Creep, Karma Police or High and dry for example) but I like the way they sound :)

  3. Hello Constanza! I hope to see you soon again (well, I'm sitted next to you but I never have enough). I'm here again, reading another of your posts. Radiohead? I know only one song of Radiohead, it is called "Paranoid android" and its video-clip is horrible. Well, omit that last comment... I have said this before but you and me are different. I don't care about the song's lyrics I just enjoy to listening to the music. Well, I know you like poetry, maybe that explains it. There is a part that confuses me, Also, they compose their music (this is an important detail to me)". Constanza I don't know if you know it but musicians compose their own songs, that's how it works, doesn't it? People who compose music are musicians. If there are exceptions they are not musicians then. I hope you have learned something new. I wish you the best of lucks. Take care! Bye bye!

  4. I'm agree with about shearing information about artist, I think that you could love something, I mean a song, a movie, etc. and you don't need to be a big fanatic of it.
    I went to The Killers with you so of course I'm agree with your preferences of music <3

  5. I don't listen a lot of them, but I like this kind of music :)))

  6. I love Radiohead! <3 their music is great!
