Tuesday 22 October 2013

Hello! Today's post is about voting and the election day. The first I have to say it's that I don't like politicians, well, most of them. I think they just worry about their own interests, they don't care for people and if they do it's for keep an image. Even thought, I think we should vote because is the way we have to make things different now. People who has good ideas can win if people like us (young population) will vote. 

About electoral campaigns, also I don't like it. All days I see posters of  the candidates and just yesterday I saw the campaign on T.V. It's not new, but it's awful that their spots try to convince people with emotions. They should talk about their plans, what think about current problems and stuff like this. 

To run for a public position a person should be honest, smart, good will to help people, tenacious, personality, courage and be sure about their aspirations. Well. I haven't considered becoming a politician never in my life, but it looks like a good idea... No, it's a joke. I think I wouldn't be a good politician because I usually don't have the strength to say what I feel or think. I prefer to keep silence. I know it's not good, but I do it anyway. 

To finish I will talk about the electoral campaigns in my district. Mmm... it's a little difficult because I just know a few things. Nowadays I've been more worried about the university than this. Obviously, before to vote, I'm going to investigate, but now I don't have to much information. I receive pamphlets or see posters, but all of them don't have information, except the candidate's name (obviusly), what party he belongs and something good about him. 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Hello! The article I chose is from "The Santiago Times". It's about the indigenous march that happened in Santiago on October twelve of this year, the "Columbus day" (Here in Chile is like the "Race's day" or something like this).

The main reasons of this protest are to celebrate indigenous culture, request for autonomy and denounce the state's response to the disputes over the land rights. Also they wanted to condemn the police violence and the treatment of activists who are in the jail.

The group that leads the march was Meli Wixan Mapu and her spokeswoman is Patricia Lienlaf. She critized the state terrorism against the indigenous community.

The march of this last saturday finished in Parque Forestal. During the protest and then, everything was full of colors, music, dance and tradition. In the protest there were Mapuche (like a I said before), Aymara and Rapa Nui people. Also, there was people from Santiago who wanted to participate and support the indigenous's demands.

At the end of the event, when people was tasting tradional food watching the cultural shows, started conflicts between "encapuchados" and the chilean police. After a protest, it's usually in Chile the appearance of "encapuchados" who begin vandalising.

This was the new.


Tuesday 8 October 2013

Hello people! Today's post is about my favorite singer or band. I had to talk about this the previous semester and I choose to "The Killers", but in this chance I'm going to talk about another band to do something different.
A band that I like too much is "Radiohead". I've been listening to them since 2012, I know it's a short to time, but it's enough to love their music, specially their lyrics. Also, I have to say that I've listened to Radiohead before, but I didn't like them and I don't remember why. Someday I listened to them again and I just liked it.
What do I know about them? Well, not too much. I'm not the kind of person who search infomation about artists, I only prefer to enjoy their music. When I look for some information it's to understand the lyrics and that's the only way that I know about the life of them. About Radiohead I know they're five members, all english. One of them it's Thom Yorke, the singer, who is vegan. Also, they compose their music (this is an important detail to me). They have many records too and the type of music they play it's alternative rock and sometime use electronic sounds.
I like a lot this band, like I said before because of the lyrics (this doesn't mean I don't like the music). Their topics refers to contemporary society problems, like lonely, alienation, technology, between others. Also there are love song, but are fewer. 
To choose just one song it's difficult because there are many that have a meaning to me. Anyway, I think the most I like it's "Let down" from their third record "O.K. Computer". Although it's a sad song I like  it because represents very well how I feel sometimes (it's a little embarrasing to tell this). 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Hello people! Today I'm going to talk about a remarkable day that probably I will remember until I die. Well, it's not just one day, they are two days of this year, april sixth and seventh. 
These days I went to Lollapalooza, a music festival that lasts two days. In this event you listen to music all the day, there are a lot of bands playing. This happen since 2011 in O'Higgins Park. 
About my experience I can say it was great! I've never shouted and jumped like that day. Both days I went with a school's friend (we bought our tickets together too). The first day we arrived at 11:20 A.M., because we wanted to see all the artists. In fact, both days we were in the park early. That day I wasn't very interesting in the bands that played (I was expecting the second day), because I've listened some music of them and I like it, but not too much. At the end of the day I was very happy, my expectations were lower if I compare them with how much I enjoy that day.  My favourite band was "Kaiser Chiefs". I just knew like four songs of them but they were indifferent to me. But the presentation was so cool, when they were playing I really loved their music. Another band that I liked, and I didn't listened to, it was "The Hives". But I have to admite that it was more because of the singer that their music. It's not because he was attractive or something like this, it's because he was so funny! He tried to speak in spanish in the presentation, but he said all the time things like "the next cantato (he was trying to say canciĆ³n) is...". In the night,Pearl Jam played. I couldn't stay to see them because no one could bring me home.
The second day it's the most important to me. I've listened to a lot of band I love. These were "Keane", "Franz Ferdinand","Of Monsters And Men" and others. It was a very special day (also another day of that week I saw my favourite band, so I was really happy) because I had the chance to listened to my favourite groups and also with a very good friend. We ran many times from stage to stage (There are many stages and when a presentation ends, another starts). I couldn't stay again to see the last group "The Black Keys", and I really wanted. However, now it doesn't care to much to me because everything was great.